Monday, February 2, 2009


What more is there to say that hasn't already been said. After a relatively so-so first three quarters, their was an explosion in Tampa Bay and it wasn't the Pirate ship firing off its canons.

First Pittsburgh seemingly avoids disaster on a 3rd & 10 from their one, only to be called on a hold and give up the safety. Next the Fitzgerald play which had it not been for 'Big Ben' and his drive for the ages, would have erased any memory of David what's his name from the NYG.

Then along comes "Thee Ohio State University" and what may simply be known as 'The Catch' for this generation. Hard to believe last year's Superbowl could be topped, but get out the cherry and the whip cream, cause its been done.
Michael Phelps has been having a real 'hoot' since the Olympics. Who cares? If he can smoke pot and still win 8 gold medals, what does that say for the rest of the guys in the pool?
What a great weekend around town for CIS action. Tim Switzer from the Leader Post ran the gauntlet on Saturday hitting every single event. Congrats to him. Don't look now, but the Women's Basketball team is starting to get comfy at the CKHS, can't wait for Nationals next month!!

1 comment:

  1. Just goes to show, Phelps that lazy ass.....must be due to the pot that kills all initiative....

