Monday, May 25, 2009

Sports Media 101

Wow...Reading Rod Pedersen's blog and the attached comments over the last 12 hours has presented some interesting insight into the mind of some sports fans.  Or should I say a lack of their minds.

Folks, I'm not here to beat Rod's drum, nor am I here to bring anybody down, but there is a few simple facts about the sports media scene here in Regina and I'm sure its the same in most markets.

The media here all get along with each other fairly well.  Hell, I golf with some of my competitors.  Why?  Aren't we suppose to all be enemies outdoing each other?  Maybe.  But I think the main reason that we get along is that we are all genuinely in the biz for the same reasons, we love it.  That's a common bond that can't be broken.

I think back to the night the Warriors and Pats were the feature game on Sportsnet this year.  After the game a media horde met at the Press Box including members of Rogers Sportsnet, Global, CTV, Leader Post, CBC, CKRM and other freelancers.  No fights.  No arguments.  Simply people laughing and sharing a common passion.

That being said, it does hurt my soul when I see other media outlets getting a story before I do.  I think we all have that desire to be first and best.  If we didn't, we wouldn't be any good.  And I think the level of sports coverage in this city is outstanding, no matter what form of media is distributing it.  We're friends off the ice, but work hard to outdo each other on it.

But people also need to understand, just cause we get along or this guy does that for a living, sometimes there is a code.  Rod Pedersen is privy to a lot of info because of his job, but if he wants to keep his job, he can't let every Tom, Dick and KENT know the details.  Imagine the stories Rod could tell about players and coaches on the road.  I'm sure it would be great for his blog and its readers, but I'm fairly certain it might not be good for his career.

People trust Rod and others like him with info.  The second that trust is betrayed, the relationship is over.  

I'm still fairly new in this town when you compare the longevity of some of the sportscasters here and I can tell you that the relationship between athletes and reporters takes time to build, but only an instant to destroy.  

Last night I felt completely helpless, trying desperately to get someone to confirm to me that Curtis Hunt is the new Head Coach of the Pats.  Now, while I exhausted every possibility I had at my resources and had sources lead me to believe it was true, I couldn't get them to give me a firm 'yes'.  And you know what, I respect them for that.  

Its all about trust, and while I'm working on building mine, people like Rod have spent a decade growing theirs and I'm sure they aren't going to just through it away!!!  

So next time you see a story break about the Riders or the Pats, recognize that their are a lot of good reporters in this town hot on the trail.  And TRUST that we are doing the best we can, without torching every bridge we cross.  Because trust is a very precious thing. 

Class dismissed.


  1. You better love it. For the 26k you're hauling in I hope you're in it for the love of the game buddy. Class dismissed. Or is that you next round of Global cuts?

  2. Looks like you struck Kent's nerve.....To bad we can't all be keyboard warriors like the tool who commented above. I'm sure he's hauling in the cash from his mom's basement.

  3. How long have you been in the media? "Class Dismissed"?

    Seriously man, you'll regret this post someday. Someday when you'll actually be fit to lecture others on the workings of media.

  4. Is this your first media gig Derek? It sure seems that way.

  5. Nope,this is not my first media gig. Hence the knowledge. I suppose you could tell me a thing about hauling in $8.50/hour on the fry machine at McDonald's and 'loving it'. For me, I'm loving having a job that not only pays the bills but allows me to hang out at the rink and football field all day. Extra salt please!!

  6. What Warren Woods has you picking up his Mcdonalds now? How does it feel to be his bitch?

  7. Don't feed the trolls....

  8. Ya, ya you love your job now. In about two weeks you will be all jaded because you're a white man who thinks he can't get a job in a major city because you're not a visible minority when all along it's just a lack of talent that is holding you down. Woods will keep shitting on you and you'll have to take a 2nd or 3rd job just to make ends meet. You want to give lessons? There's a lessson for ya.

  9. Dude above........ Your projected inadequacies do not apply to most people, or the real world for that matter. Seek help.

  10. Hmmm...let's see. It would be impossible to take any lessons from a person who is unable to even spell their own name at the end of a post.

    Unfortunately for you, I don't get jaded. I wake up everyday and know that I have YOUR dream job. And that pal, keeps me smiling...

    Make sure to say hi next time I go thru your drive-thru.

  11. Can you muster up enough change in the ash try of your shitty car to get a happy meal?

    Yes my dream job is to put up with a job that pays me 26k/year and kiss ass to a bunch of athletes who could care less who you are. Your lone excitement of the day is when one greasy guy at 7-11 recognizes you and says "hey your that guy who does sports on channel 7." That excitement quickly disappears when he follows that up with "you really suck".

    Derek Meyers you're my hero. Thanks for all the enlightenment into your shitty job and know it all attitude.

  12. This is the most idiotic thing I've ever seen. I bet it's on your demo too. Haha. You're a joke.

    Take two weeks off... then quit.

  13. Wow....You attract some heroes here.

  14. Yes, now I see I was wrong. I didn't realize that NASA had given all the 'Rocket Scientists' the week off to sit around and comment on my lifestyle.

    Now, should I be getting a tad bit concerned that this 'unknown soldier' is actually taking the time to launch attack after attack on me, or should I treat it like it is? The sad and pathetic ramblings of a some random jerk who really has nothing better to do with his time than try and get a rise out of me.

    Well, I'll raise my glass and toast the fella that dislikes me, because you know what buddy? In my business, if they aren't talking about you, that's when you should worry. And obviously you've got a lot to say about me, so thank you and cheers.

  15. Derek, you're looking like a real conceded a**hole on this thread. I'm sure TSN and Sportsnet would be really impressed.

  16. Well must be getting warmer out...all the scum is crawling out from under the rocks!! I enjoy your blog, and if I didn't...I wouldn't waste my time reading it. So, all you anonymous idiots out there...go read something else. Derek, I think you do a fine job covering the Regina sports scene. I read in the Leader Post sports section about some Lowenberger ball player...should I set up an interview?!?!

    Keep it real Derek...that's what I want to see in the sports!!

  17. Simply to clarify this post has nothing to do with Sports Media 101 the news network at

    I will say that working in media generally you are friendly with other competitors because you spend time with them and share with them. You do that because you want to report all the news not just what you get in an interview
